Saturday, September 27, 2008

Christians Praying without Tears!

An Urgent plea for revival and spiritual awakening

Saints of God can we sit by idle as the hour creeps on till we are in eternal bliss? Revival is tarrying and men are slipping into hell-fire by the moment! Oh the horror of it! Do you feel the concern dear reader or is your heart passionless, tearless, prayerless. Do you have tears for the lost? Surely revival tarries for the simple fact that we do not have tears. - Greg Gordon??
dry-eyed christianity Machinery, Methods and Models characterize the modern day 20th Century Church. Never in the history of the Church have we been so sufficient yet lacking so much! By our actions we are saying what God has begun in the Spirit we can perfect in the flesh. We are Laodicean! Rich, increased with goods, and we have need of nothing. We want to have revival man’s way, not God’s way. We know nothing of revival, nothing of God’s power, nothing of God’s travail, nothing of God’s sorrow over a lost and damned world. A Laodicean church is dry-eyed, a Laodicean church never loses sleep, shuns pain, suffering and anything that disturbs its status-quo. The Laodicean church cannot share God’s heart, for it is so far removed from God and His economy. David Smithers accurately says: “There are many who want the joy of revival without the sorrow of travail. God’s chosen revival instrument’s have always embraced both.”

good site 4 all believers

Will God send another great awakening? Can revival still change nations? There are over 10,000 conferences that happen every year. The 'Revival Conference' is not to be just another conference but a honest, sincere, earnest plea for the desperate need of revival. The conference will have the chief object to be God-glorifying. There is no cost to attend the event. No materials will be sold. There will be no big bands. The speakers will come on their own accord trusting God for provision. There will be no emphasis on money during the event. The event will be a simple, apostolic, yearning for a genuine biblical revival in our day. The conference is hosted by the ministry of and is a inter-denominational event.