Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Outlines of 1 Timothy for Bible study


Four Duties of a Man of God (6.11-16)

1.  FLEE

“Now you, man of God, run from these things”  vs. 11



Run from what?

The Love of Money  vs. 9-10

False Doctrine, vs. 3-5

More Things to Flee:
1st Corinthians 6:18  “Flee sexual immorality….”
1st Corinthians 10:14  “Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.”


“Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance,                               and gentleness.”  Vs. 12


Pursue – To follow in hot pursuit

To live an undistracted life… to be focused
Phillips: “Set your heart not on riches, but on… ”

Righteousness – To have integrity in my dealings with other people, treating them right

Godliness – To consciously live my life for God and before God

Faith – To live and serve with continual dependence upon Christ

Love – To act in the best interest of the other person, ready to meet his need at my expense

Endurance – To remain faithful to God in spite of  trials (lit. To bear up under)

Gentleness – Careful not to overpower others with my greater strength


“Fight the good fight for the faith”  vs. 12


Word where we get, Agonize.  Applied to both soldiers in combat and athletes in competition

Weymouth, “Exert all your strength in the honorable struggle for the faith”



“Keep the commandment without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ”  Vs. 14

Key Word: Until

His Timing is Beyond Our Control
Vs. 15  “Which God will bring about in His own time.” 

His Power is Beyond All Rivals
Vs. 15  “He is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords”

His Glory is Beyond Our Imagination
Vs. 16  “The only One who has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom none of mankind has seen or can see, to whom be honor and eternal might.”


We don’t get to decide how long to be faithful

We don’t have to question whether He is worthy of our faithfulness

There is a Logical Degree to Which We Should Be Faithful
Vs. 14  “Keep the commandment without spot or blame”


Outlines of 1 Timothy for Bible study

Lesson  7 
Attitude of Christians towards wealth (6:3-11.17-19)

1. A Portrait of Right Doctrine

1.1 Doctrine That is Christ-Centered
Vs. 3 “The sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ”

1.2 Teachings That Lead to Godliness
Vs 3 “The teaching that promotes godliness”

1.3 Insights that Make Our Whole Lives Healthier
Vs. 3 “The sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ”
Vs. 3-4 “If anyone teaches other doctrine … he is conceited, understanding nothing, but having a sick interest in disputes…”

2. A Profile of a False Teacher

2.1 He is Arrogant – seeking to be a somebody
Vs. 4 “He is conceited”

2.2 He Out-punts his Coverage
Vs. 4 “Understanding nothing”

2.3 He is Divisive
Vs. 4-5 “Having a sick interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slanders, evil suspicions, and constant disagreement among men”

2.4 His Thinking is Driven by His Sinful Nature
Vs. 5 “Whose minds are depraved and deprived of the truth”

2.5 He is Motivated by Greed
Vs. 5 “Who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain.”

3. The Philosophy of a Contented Person

3.1 True Wealth is Godliness Plus Contentment
Vs. 6 “Godliness with contentment is a great gain”

3.2 Earthly Wealth isn’t Lasting
Vs. 7 “For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out.”

3.3 We Need Less Than We Think of Ourselves as Needing
Vs. 8 “But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these”

3.4 Discontent Leads to Self-Destructive Behavior
Vs. 9-10 “But those who want to be rich fall into temptation, a trap, and many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.”

Outlines of 1 Timothy for Bible study

Lesson 6
The truth & Church Leaders
1 Tim.4:11-16

1. The Authority of Truth

Vs. 11  “Command and teach these things.”

2. The Pattern of Christian Leaders

Vs. 12  “No one should despise your youth; instead, you should be an example to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

Outward:  Speech and Conduct



Love: Meeting your needs at my expense

Faith: Trusting Christ to do for you what you cannot do for yourself; staying plugged in

Purity: Refusing to mix sinful compromises with a righteous life

3. The Priorities of Christian Leaders

Vs. 13  “Until I come, give your attention to public reading, exhortation, and teaching.”

Reading: Provides Information… Appeals to the mind & memory

Exhortation: Provides Motivation… Appeals to the emotions & to the will
Teaching: Provides Explanation… Appeals to the understanding & spiritual insight

4. The Empowerment of Christians for Leading

Vs. 14  “Do not neglect the gift that is in you; it was given to you through prophecy, with the laying on of hands by the council of elders.”


Do not neglect the gift - That is, by letting it lie unused


The Gift:  A gracious gift from God

A specialty in Christian service, supernaturally empowered by the Holy Spirit

6. The Influence of the Leader’s Growth

Vs. 15  “So that your progress may be evident to all.”


Let Them See You Grow                The Ongoing Influence of Ongoing Growth

7. The Results of the Leader’s Perseverance

Vs. 16 “Persevere in these things”

Persevere: To stay with it

“By doing this, you will save both yourself and your hearers”

Persevering leaders produce persevering followers


Perseverance is a condition to go to heaven

Perseverance is the inevitable result of the new birth

We persevere because God preserves

Perseverance is a human responsibility… a command to obey

Outlines of 1 Timothy for Bible study

Lesson 4
Confession of the Church

The Character of the Church

Vs.15 “I have written so that you will know how people ought to act in God’s household...”



v      Family

v      Assembly

Vs. 15  “…Which is the church of the living God…”


v      Energized

Vs. 15  “…Which is the church of the living God…”


v      Advocates
Vs. 15  “…the pillar and foundation of the truth.”


The Confession of the Church

Vs. 16  “And most certainly, the mystery of godliness is great: He was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.”


v      Confession

v      Incarnate

v      Vindicated

v      Attended To

v      Proclaimed

v      Accepted

v      Ascended

Lesson 5
False teaching and the Church (4:1-10) 

1. The Fact of a Falling Away

Vs. 1  “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith”

2. The Forming of a False Teacher

Vs 1-2    “…Some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared.”


Three Steps:

1.      They Tune In To the Wrong Spirits

2.      They Lose Their Conscience

3.      They Pretend to Be What They Aren’t


3. The Error of False Teachers

Vs 3-5  “They forbid marriage and demand abstinence from foods…”


They replace inner transformation with outward score keeping

They reject the basic principles of Genesis

Vs. 4  “For everything created by God is good, and nothing should be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving”


4. The Duty of the Lord’s Servant

You Gotta Point Some Things Out

Vs. 6  “If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus”

You Gotta Take Some Things In

Vs. 6  “…Nourished by the words of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.”

You Gotta Shut Some Things Off

Vs. 7  “But have nothing to do with irreverent and silly myths.”

5. The Training of a Godly Person

Vs. 7b-9   “…Rather, train yourself in godliness”


It is a Command to Obey


It is Practical, Benefiting Us in All of Life

Vs. 8   “For, the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”


6. The Focus of True Believers


The Demonstration of Christian Focus

Vs. 10  “In fact, we labor and strive for this…”


The Object of Christian Focus

Vs. 10 “…Because we have put our hope in the living God...”


The Reason for Christian Focus

Vs. 10 “…who is the Savior of everyone, especially of those who believe”


Available for all


Effectual for believers

Outlines of 1 Timothy for Bible study

Men and Prayer in the Church

1. The Priority of Prayer

      Vs. 1  “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone”

      “First of all” - first in rank

      “I urge” – Literally, To call to one’s side & encourage to

      Vs. 3  “This is good, and it pleases God our Savior”

      “Good” – Good in and of itself, not just because of its results

      “It pleases God”

    KJV “acceptable in the sight of God”

    Literally, “to receive from”


2. The Kinds of Prayer

      Vs 1   “I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone”


    Requests based on a deep sense of spiritual need & helplessness


    Emphasizes the sacred nature of prayer; we are praying to God


    Coming to a superior, often on behalf of another


    Colossians 4:2  “Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving.”


3. The Objects of Prayer

      Vs 1-2  “…for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority”

      “For everyone”

    Vs. 4  “Wants everyone to be saved”

    Vs. 6  “Who gave Himself—a ransom for all”

    Vs.  7   “A teacher of the Gentiles “ – i.e. to every nation, to all people groups

      “For kings and all those in authority”


4. The Strategy of Prayer

      Vs. 2  “For kings and all those who are in authority So that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”

      “That we may lead a tranquil life”

    Undisturbed by outward circumstances

      “That we may lead a quiet life”

    Calm attitude within

      Strategic Objective: An atmosphere in which the gospel can spread.


5. The Evangelistic Aim of Prayer

      Vs. 3-4   “This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

      God wants everyone to be saved

      God offers the Gospel to all universally

      If one is lost, he is so rebelliously

      God wants everyone to come to know the truth

      Come to know – to experience conversion


6. The Urgency of Prayer

      Vs. 5-6  “For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself—a ransom for all, a testimony at the proper time.”

      Urgent because there is only one way

    “One God and one mediator between God and man”

    Mediator: An arbitrator in legal disputes

      Urgent because Christ died for people

    Christ’s suffering on the cross is sufficient for all

    The merits of Christ’s cross are applied specifically

      Urgent because the time to share the message is now (since God has now sent the message)

    Vs. 6, NLT  “This is the message that God gave to the world at the proper time.”


7. Our Personal Ministries & Prayer

      Vs. 7  “For this I was appointed a herald, an apostle  (I am telling the truth; I am not lying), and a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.”

      A herald – one who announced important or good news at athletic events or political settings

      An apostle – a personal emissary of Jesus Christ

      A teacher – the Gospel has to be explained

      Of the Gentiles – trans-cultural ministry to those who do not have a religious background in the one true God.


8. The Church Pacesetters in Prayer

      Vs. 8  “Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument.”

      “The men” – Not mankind in general, the men

      “In every place” – The standard for all churches


9. The Hindrances to Prayer

      Vs. 8  “Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument.”

      Unholy Living – “lifting up holy hands”

    Psalm 24:3-4  “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?  Who may stand in His holy place?  The one who has clean hands and a pure heart…”

      Broken Relationships - “Without anger or argument”

    1st Peter 3:7  “Husbands, in the same way, live with your wives with understanding of their weaker nature, yet showing them honor as co-heirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered”


Outlines of 1 Timothy for Bible study


1. The Pattern of Grace    Verses 12-17


It Provides a Proto-type

      Vs. 16   Phillips: “It was a kind of demonstration of the extent of Christ's patience towards the worst of men, to serve as an example to all who in the future should trust him for eternal life.”

      Demonstrate: A representative symbol

      Paul’s conversion is a proto-type of God’s grace at work in our lives


It Begins with a Plan

      Vs. 12  “I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, appointing me to the ministry”

      Appointing me to the ministry

      Strengthened me

    ESV: “I thank him who has given me strength”

    Word for dynamo and dynamite

      Because he considered me faithful

    i.e. He foreordered that I would be faithful, not because I had been faithful


It Changes a Past

       Vs. 13  “One who was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an arrogant man. Since it was out of ignorance that I had acted in unbelief, I received mercy”


    Acts 26:9 & 11, NLT  "I used to believe that I ought to do everything I could to oppose the followers of Jesus of Nazareth…    Many times I had them whipped in the synagogues to try to get them to curse Christ.”


    Acts 8:3,NIV  “But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison.”


      Arrogant man

    A bully who throws his weight around, enjoying humiliating others

      Vs. 13  “…Since it was out of ignorance that I had acted in unbelief, I received mercy”

    He didn’t knowingly reject Christ. Paul didn’t know that Christ was who He claimed to be.

    Yet Paul was still responsible and needed mercy

    But Paul wasn’t hardened beyond mercy

    Because of the greatness of his sin, Paul marveled at the mercy he received


It Involves a Power

      Vs. 14  “And the grace of our Lord overflowed, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

      Overflowed: super-abounded


It is Based on a Principle

      Vs. 15  “This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance:     

      ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners’—and I am the worst of them.”

      Philips: "Christ Jesus entered the world to rescue sinners"



It Results in Praise

      Vs. 17   “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.”

      King Eternal: King of all ages

      Immortal: Beyond the ravages of death & decay

      Invisible: Beyond human discovery or control

      Only God: Unique in his being


2. The Perpetual Nature of Spiritual Warfare   Verses 18-19


It’s an Ongoing War

      Vs. 18  “Timothy, my child, I am giving you this instruction… that by them you may strongly engage in battle...”

      KJV “War a good warfare”

      An entire military campaign, not a single battle

      Weymouth:  “Continually fighting the good fight”

      “This instruction” – a command, a charge, an order


It is Part of God’s Plan

      Vs. 18-19  “Timothy, my child, I am giving you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies previously made about you, so that by them you may strongly engage in battle...”

      The supernatural and specific direction from God for your life

    “In keeping with the prophecies previously made about you”


It Requires God

      Vs. 18-19  “… you may strongly engage in battle, having faith and a good conscience.”

      Inspired by the prophetic word

      They come back to strengthen us

    “By them you may strongly engage in battle”

      Literally, “In them, you may…”

      Connected to God’s Resources by Faith

    AMP: “Holding fast to faith (that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence) ”


      Unleashed by a Good Conscience

    Unburdened by guilt, free to focus

    Not desensitized by hardness

    1st Timothy 4:2  “Having their own conscience seared with a hot iron”




3. The Peril of Becoming A Spiritual Shipwreck    Verses 19-20


It is the Result of Self-Will

      Vs. 19-20  “Having faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and have suffered the shipwreck of their faith.

      Rejected these

    i.e. “Faith and a good conscience”


    Push away, repudiate, deliberate rejection

    Philips: “Some, alas, have laid these simple weapons contemptuously aside”


Its Consequences are Drastic

      Vs. 19  “…suffered the shipwreck of their faith.”


    Literally, “To break a ship to pieces”

    Today, They crashed and burned



It Results in Severe Discipline

      Vs. 20  “…I have delivered them to Satan, so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.”

      Delivered to Satan

    1st Corinthians 5:5  “Turn that one over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the Day of the Lord.”


      Taught not to blaspheme

    Taught: to correct through discipline and punishment

    Hebrews 12:9, 11, NAS95  “Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father…?                                                   … All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.”